Learn graphics design
«Have no fear of perfection – You will never reach it.» – Salvador
If you want to exercise your creativity and visualise your intelligence through wonderful designs, then this course is for you.
Keep in mind: You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
This course is about canva graphics design platform to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, logos, banners and other digital visual content.
I believe you are here because you want to learn some easy way to design your brand resources.
I want to personally welcome you here and I assure you that by the end of this course you will develop the following skillset in Canva:
Introduction – about canva and its features.
How to login/register on canva
General overview of the canva platform
How to start a design from scratch
Starting from templates (burger design)
Design logos
Design posters
Design social media banner (linkedin profile banners, youtube thumbnails, facebook banners, google classroom headers)
How to design resumes
Design Pinterest pins
Design and present your Presentation with canva
Design invoices for your businesses
Design certificates
Zoom virtual background
Design graphs
Design Business cards
Design calendas
Create photobooks
Create invitations card
Bonus website Powermywall
Note: As a bonus tip, I have also included an additional tutorial on how to design posters and other resources using another different platform (postermywall). I hope you will enjoy it.
Graphics Design With Canva – Beginner to Expert
Learn graphics design»
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Me gustaria entender el curso de Canva en español. En ingles no lo puedo hacer.