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Design and Implementation of Java features

The java course provides exhaustive material to study java programming in detail. The programs (java code) are also provided as resources material. A student can use these programs as reference and learn  by going through them. The course not just covers basic topics of java but also several advanced topics.  This course will benefit those who are doing programming for first time and also to those who have done some (/limited programming) in other languages like C/C++. Even those who have done programming using  python , javascript will also benefit. An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used for executing programs. The programs are explained by putting print (/break points) statements with preferably line-by-line walk through.

Those who have done just core java will also benefit by studying New Features along with advanced topics.

Following topics are part of the course:

New Features (8/9  – 17)

  • Type Inference , local variables

  • Reference Type variables

  • JShell

  • JShell, Basics

  • JShell, Methods

  • JShell, Class

  • JShell, Builtin Variables

  • JShell, Import and other commands

  • Lambda Expression

  • Lambda Expression, Functional Interfaces

  • Lambda Expression, Single Expression

  • Lambda Expression, Block Expression

  • Generics with Lambda Expression

  • Collections with Lambda Expression

  • Lambda Expression, Method reference

  • Lambda Expression, Instance Method

  • Lambda Expression, Generic Method

  • Modules

  • Modules, Requires, Export

  • Modules, Implied Dependency

  • Modules, Legacy Support

  • New HTTP Client

  • New HTTP Client, programming

  • New HTTP Client, Asynchronous Get

  • New HTTP Client, Asynchronous Multiple Get

  • New HTTP Client, Synchronous Get

  • New HTTP Client, Synchronous Post

  • New HTTP Client, Authenticator

  • Stream API

  • Stream API, Serial and Parallel Stream Creation

  • Stream API,  Parallel Stream Reduce

  • Stream API,  Parallel Stream Map Reduce Filter

  • Stream API,  Parallel Stream to Collection

  • Stream API,  Spliterator, Iterator

  • String, Pattern Switch

  • User defined Type, Pattern Switch

  • Serialization

  • Serialization , File usage

  • Serialization, Object serialization , Custom Filter-Pattern

  • Serialization, Custom Filter as Class

  • Serialization, Context Filter

  • Record

  • Record classes

  • Sealed Classes

  • Sealed , sealed, un-sealed, permits

  • Sealed Classes, Program

  • Sealed Classes, Reflection


  • Object Oriented Programming

  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism

  • Late Binding of Functions

  • Classes & Objects

  • Access Control of Class Members

  • Constructors

  • Method Overloading

  • Inheritance

  • super and final

  • Runtime Polymorphism

  • Abstract classes & Methods

  • Interfaces & their Implementation

  • Packages

  • Static Data & Functions

  • Exception Handling

  • Types of Exceptions

  • Use of try catch block

  • Handling multiple exceptions

  • finally, throw & throws clause

  • User defined exceptions

  • Wrapper classes

  • Autoboxing

Advanced Java

  • Generics

  • Strings

  • Byte and Character Streams

  • File Handling

  • Multi-threading

  • Implementing Runnable Interface

  • Thread States

  • Thread Priorities

  • Inter-Thread Communication

  • NIO- New IO Support

Java 17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8 with hands-on coding

Design and Implementation of Java features”

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