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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Create Your Own Digital Art Using a Professional Software for Drawings from Basics

Learn Autodesk Sketchbook Pro from Basics to Sketch Drawings – Create Your Own Digital Art Using the Professional Software for Drawings from Basics

Welcome to the most exciting course on digital sketching. In this course we will learn Autodesk Sketchbook Pro to create some excellent drawings easily. This software is very handy and easy to use if we know how to use it properly. Therefore, I have created this course for you to give the basic understanding about the tools and techniques to get started with Digital Art. If you are new to Digital Drawing this is the course for you to start your beatiful journey. By learning this course we can create some excellent arts, digital sketches, product sketches, etc.

Here, I have included how we can download and install the Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, Navigate on it, Properly use the tools, Shortcuts for quicker drawings, examples and some exercises for you to enjoy the learning. This course is currently in English and will be available in 10 different languages on subtitles soon.

The art of ideas

Autodesk Sketcbook said «You never know when a great idea will spark, or where it will lead. From quick sketches to fully finished artwork, Sketchbook® goes where your creativity takes you.»

Why we use Autodesk Sketchbook?

  • To draw naturally

  • Every tool at your finger tip

  • Beautiful to use

  • Hundreds of Brushes

  • Fill with Color

  • Smooth Lines

  • Dynamic Symmetry

  • Natural Pen Interaction

What is included in this course?

  • Download and Installation Guides

  • Explanation of each tool used in Autodesk Sketchbook

  • Example drawings

  • Exercises for you to practice

  • Drawing Techniques and Tips

Who can Learn this Course?

  • Beginners in Product Designing

  • Game Designers, Animation Designers, Story Writers who are new to Digital Art.

  • Graphic Designers who wanted to expand thier knowledge on drawings

  • Marketing Team who is willing to illustrate their ideas as presentation

  • Digital Art/ Digital Painting Students

  • Traditional Artists who wanted to learn Digital Art

  • Anyone who wants to learn Autodesk Sketchbook

Learn Autodesk Sketchbook Pro from Basics to Sketch Drawings

Create Your Own Digital Art Using a Professional Software for Drawings from Basics»

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