• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:7 minutos de lectura

An Introduction to the Hacking Techniques of Hackers, Ethical Hackers, Pentesters and Cyber Security Professionals

Course Overview

This course provides learners with real practical hands-on learning to gain real-world experience as a penetration tester or an ethical hacker (white, grey, or black).

This course provides a fundamental look at offensive security concepts and techniques using a virtual install of Kali Linux and three different target victims, Windows XP, Windows 7, Server 2008, and Linux (Metesploitable2).  This course provides a practical 100% hands-on approach to becoming an ethical hacker or a pentester.

How is the course structured?

The course uses short video tutorials and lab files that provide a practical step-by-step learning experience of ethical hacking methodologies. Students will use the same tools and open-source software used by professional penetration testers and ethical hackers and hackers.

This course provides videos, lab files, and links for downloading the free and open-source software used throughout this course.

You will build a virtual install of Kali Linux and Windows XP for the virtual lab environment. You should complete the first lab of this course before enrolling.  Starting with lab 2, we will begin scanning and attacking a Windows XP  victim. If a learner cannot complete the labs in section 2 of the course, there is no need to enroll since all labs followed are dependent on the first lab being completed.

You will learn how intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to stop them, the importance of a strong firewall, keeping systems and software updated, and the use of complex passwords.

You will also learn how to launch DDoS Attacks, Buffer Overflows, keylogging, and password hacking.  Completing the course will help prepare an individual for an entry-level position as a pen-tester or ethical hacker. On completing this course,  you will receive a course completion.

If you would like to discuss ethical hacking or watch someone talk theory, there are plenty of lecture courses on Udemy. However, to complete this course, students must demonstrate the practical concepts of offensive hacking. In other words, learners will learn by doing.

Course Objectives

  1. Demonstrate the use of offensive security tools and techniques.

  2. Proficiency in the use of the CLI (Command Line Interface) of Linux.

  3. Use Linux as a hacking platform.

Who should take this course?

Network administrators, cybersecurity students, entry-level penetration testers, anyone who wants to be an ethical hacker, concerned parents,  concerned spouses, law enforcement, and anyone with a solid background in technology.

Who should not take this course?

Anyone who has technophobia (the fear of learning new technology).  Anyone not having a good understanding of the OSI model or the TCP/IP  suite.


What are the course requirements, Knowledge level?

  • A  good understanding of basic networking concepts, the TCPI/IP stack, how devices communicate, and basic troubleshooting of network connectivity issues.

  • How to use a computer, a mouse and a keyboard.

  • How to configure a static IP address on a Network adapter.

  • How to check for connectivity using PING, IPCONFIG, and IFCONFIG.

  • This course will not cover the OSI model, discuss IP addressing, or any basic networking concepts. However, students are expected to have these skills when they enroll.


  • Desktop or laptop capable of virtualization. (Virtualization enabled BIOS).

  • A minimum of 4 GB of RAM (8 GB or more of RAM recommended).

  • Administrative access to the host operating system. (You own the machine).

  • Good, reliable Internet access.


  • Any 64-bit Windows operating system. (Windows 10 preferred)

  • A current 64-bit version of Mac or a Linux operating system.

  • An installation of Virtualbox (Links provided in the lab).

  • An installation of 7zip (Links provided in the lab).

  • Copy of Kali ISO or Kali VMWare or Virtualbox image. (Links provided in the lab).

  • Copy of Windows XP SP2 (Links provided in the lab).

  • Copy of Server 2008 SPI 32 bit (Links provided in the lab).

  • Copy of Metesploitable2 (Links provided in the lab).


Learn Ethical Hacking and Pentesting – Hands-on

An Introduction to the Hacking Techniques of Hackers, Ethical Hackers, Pentesters and Cyber Security Professionals»

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