• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Make your own animated 2D games

Games should be exciting, full of secrets and special features! Let me take you step by step though my creative process and show you how I build unique game worlds for players to have adventures in. I will explain every line of code as we write it. Let’s practise object oriented programming and use HTML, CSS and plain vanilla JavaScript to build a game. There will be no frameworks and no libraries, because we want deep understanding of how things work under the hood.

Let’s explore an alien planet and it’s mechanical life forms in a steampunk themed 2D side scroller. We will learn how to implement:

  • Sprite animation

  • Parallax backgrounds

  • Collision detection

  • Power ups

  • Different enemy types that alter the gameplay

  • and many other features of 2D game development

If you are a beginner front end web developer curious about game development, creative coding & web animation, come join me and learn how to create beautiful visuals for your games, and how to implement unique game features that will make your project stand out. Have fun!

(In this class I am giving away a lot of free game art assets for characters, environments and props. These were created by me or artists I hired, there is no copyright. Feel free to use them for any of your personal projects if you want. )

Learn Game Development with JavaScript

Make your own animated 2D games»

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