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Learn real world commands from the OpenSSL Cheat Sheet to troubleshoot OpenSSL

OpenSSL is the universal tool for inspecting, diagnosing, and troubleshooting SSL & TLS.

OpenSSL is composed of many different utilities, each of which is responsible for a specific aspect of the SSL and TLS ecosystem.

Topics include:

  • Module 1 – Generating Public and Private Keys

    • Generating and inspecting RSA Keys

    • Generating and inspecting DSA Keys

    • Generating and inspecting Elliptic Curve Keys

  • Adding & Removing Encryption to RSA Keys

    • Adding and removing encryption to RSA Keys

    • OpenSSL Key Utility

    • Matching Private Keys to Certificates and CSRs

  • Module 3 – Generating Certificates and CSRs

    • Creating a CSR and Certificate using an existing Private Key

    • Creating a CSR and Certificate using a new Private Key

  • Module 4 – Inspecting Certificates and CSRs

    • Extracting specific information from Certificates and CSRs

  • Module 5 – File Formats and Conversions (PEM, DER, PFX)

    • Check if file is PEM, DER, or PFX

    • Converting files between PEM and DER formats

    • Converting files between PEM and PFX formats

In this course, you will receiving training on how to use the following OpenSSL Utilities:

  • openssl rsa

  • openssl genrsa

  • openssl dsa

  • openssl gendsa

  • openssl dsaparam

  • openssl ec

  • openssl ecparam

  • openssl pkey

  • openssl genpkey

  • openssl x509

  • openssl req

  • openssl pkcs12

Each module contains demo files you can use to practice the commands along with each lesson.

The lessons in the course follow a section from the Cheat Sheet (available to download as part of the course).

After completing the course and downloading the OpenSSL Cheat Sheet,
you will be equipped to inspect and troubleshoot any SSL / TLS scenarios you find yourself in.

Learn OpenSSL with a real world cheatsheet

Learn real world commands from the OpenSSL Cheat Sheet to troubleshoot OpenSSL”


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