• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:6 minutos de lectura

Master Course of Cloud Computing, Cloud Architect, Cloud Consulting Business and How to become a cloud Consultant

This Cloud Management course gives students an overview of the field of Cloud Computing, its enabling technologies, main building blocks, and hands-on experience through projects utilizing public cloud infrastructures (Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure). Cloud computing allows you to store and access data and programs in the virtual platform instead of your computer’s hard drive. Cloud management makes it possible to track and allocate the company’s expenses in cloud computing, generate reports, and predict future loads. Thus, it provides accurate cost management, forecasting, and reporting. Cloud computing can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. Cloud computing services are being adopted widely across a variety of organizations and in many domains. Simply, cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service over a network, whereby distributed resources are rented, rather than owned, by an end user as a utility.

Students will work with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, use them to rent and provision compute resources and then program and deploy applications that run on these resources. Students will develop and evaluate scaling and load balancing solutions.

In this on-line course we plan to give students an overview of the field of Cloud Computing, Cloud Management and an in-depth study into its enabling technologies and main building blocks. Students will gain hands-on experience solving relevant problems through projects that will utilize existing public cloud tools. It is our objective that students will develop the skills needed to become a practitioner or carry out research projects in this domain.

Students will learn how virtualization can allow software and hardware images (e.g., virtual machines) to run side-by-side on a single cloud data center while provided security, resource and failure isolations. They will understand how virtualization enables clouds to offer software, computation, and storage as services as well as attain agility and elasticity properties. We will discuss resource virtualization in detail and present multiple examples from Cloud tools and platforms.

  • comptia cloud

  • comptia cloud cv0-003

  • cloud+

  • comptia cloud+

  • cv0-003

  • comptia cloud+

  • cloud cv0-003

  • comptia cloud +

  • comptia cloud plus

  • anthony sequeira

  • Cloud Architecture

  • HashiCorp Packer

  • CompTIA Cloud+

  • Cloud Security

  • FinOps

  • Azure Subscription

  • Terraform

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Master Course of Cloud Management

Master Course of Cloud Computing, Cloud Architect, Cloud Consulting Business and How to become a cloud Consultant»

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