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Preparation guildelines from a longer term upskilling perspective. Design career the beyond system design interviews.

Interviews are becoming more time-consuming as the software industry gathers pace.

New trends keep getting introduced leaving candidates exhausted in an attempt to keep up.

To avoid burnout, the course recommends a more systematic knowledge-driven framework.

Course Structure

  • Section 1: Necessity for an alternative approach inclined towards career growth instead of instant gratification.

  • Section 2: Foundation Phase (12- 9 months)

    • The gathering phase. Identify the possible sources for the relevant information.

  • Section 3: Reinforcement Phase (9 – 6 months)

    • The sorting phase. Organize the resources based on the refined needs of the job search.

  • Section 4: Convergence Phase (6 -3 months)

    • Drill down further to identify only the absolutely necessary information.

  • Section 5:  End game (3-0 months)

    • Execute with a clear plan built on all the gathered information.

  • Section 6: Conclusion

Key Takeaways:

  1. The idea is simple, prepare at your pace throughout the year and apply only when ready to invest 8 weeks for the potential employers.

  2. Maximize the learnings to capitalize in the current workplace or in the new one!

What course doesn’t offer?

  • The course does not talk about compensation and HR interview handling

  • The course does not talk about the behavioral interview and dress code etc.

  • The course does not specifically target FAANG/MAANG.

  • The course does not deal with urgent career change situations like a layoff, reaction to a bad performance review, etc.

Mastering Coding and System design interviews by upskilling

Preparation guildelines from a longer term upskilling perspective. Design career the beyond system design interviews.”

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