• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Learn, Apply, Build a Blog Project using NodeJs, Express, MongoDB & React

Welcome to «MERN Stack with Blog Project». In this course, we will be building an in-depth full-stack Blog project application using Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB along with ES6+. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full-stack application. This course includes…

  • Building an extensive backend API with Node.js & Express

  • Extensive API testing with Postman

  • Integrating React with our backend in an elegant way, creating a great workflow

  • Building our frontend to work with the API

  • Get and Post Request using MongoDB

This course project is probably the biggest and most exciting project you have built so far. It is packed with hundreds of tips and tricks that can help you build almost any type of full-stack app (not limited to this blog project).

Master the art of building FullStack/MERN Stack apps by enrolling in this course and never look back. What you are now and what you will become after completing this course is going to be a groundbreaking step in your web development career.

You can build the biggest and most complex apps of your dream or as required at your job. Master the stack of all stacks and become the most productive and innovative developer of your team. I welcome you to be a part of this incredible journey.

MERN Stack with Blog Project

Learn, Apply, Build a Blog Project using NodeJs, Express, MongoDB & React»

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