Carbohydrate,lipid,protein metabolism disorders and imbalance of vitamins and minerals and correlation to oral health
This course gives a person the general knowledge of nutritional disorders. In these lectures there are discussed topics about carbohydrate ,lipids and proteins , what are their functions , epidemiology,classifications, signs , symptoms,types and oral manifestations of their disorders. After the detailed discussion about each disorder , there is the information how these disorders effect on oral health,what are the oral manifestation during there disorders. Along with these disorders there are lectures about vitamins and minerals , the brief and very informative information about each minerals and vitamins , The food sources, their function and the causes, symptoms during the deficiency or toxicity of each minerals and vitamins and their connection to oral health problems.These courses will help young doctors and students to understand more clearly the nutritional value of carbohydrates,lipids,proteins ,vitamins and minerals. their main functions and role in organism . Lectures are also aimed to the dentists . the lectures explains the correlation between oral health and nutritions. After each topic there is section about oral health ,where person can find information about possible problems and diseases due to metabolism disorders of each nutrients. In the Vitamins and minerals topic lectures this connection is discribed after every vitamin and minerals.
Nutrition disorders and oral health
Carbohydrate,lipid,protein metabolism disorders and imbalance of vitamins and minerals and correlation to oral health»
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