Learn Reverse Engineering and debugging for Visual Basic programs using xdbg, VB decompiler and P-code Debugger
If you are interested in reverse engineering and want to learn how to decompile and debug Visual Basic 6 programs, then this course is for you. In this course, I will introduce you to the exciting world of reversing and in particular, reverse engineering Visual Basic 6 programs.
In this course, you will learn how to use x64dbg Visual Basic Decompiler and P-Code debugger tools to reverse engineer Visual Basic programs. You will learn all about debugging and dumping memory and also how to reverse jumps and modify instructions.
What you will learn:
Removing nag screens
Decompiling programs
Patching programs
Creating keygens
Debugging P-Code
VB6 P-Code
VB6 Native Code
Reversing Serial Keys
and more…
In this course, we will practice reversing on special programs called crackme’s that I have written for you.
Go ahead and enroll now and I will see you inside.
Reverse Engineering 5: Reversing Visual Basic
Learn Reverse Engineering and debugging for Visual Basic programs using xdbg, VB decompiler and P-code Debugger»
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