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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Expand your CSS knowledge by learning SCSS syntax, nesting, functions, and more in this course!

Are you frustrated at how rapidly the web design & coding world is changing?

Do you feel like your skills are becoming out-dated and you just can’t keep up with all of the new web languages?

Are you afraid your web design skills will become redundant if you don’t learn something new?

Do you worry that you might not «have what it takes» to learn something new and complicated?

Sass is an easy-to-use styling language that helps reduce a lot of the repetition and maintainability challenges of traditional CSS. Learning Sass will not only let you scale styles when working on big web development projects, it will also make it much faster and more efficient to write reusable styles from scratch for smaller projects.

Sass is what’s known as a «pre-processor» language, and it basically supercharges your CSS so you can create flexible, clean and incredibly powerful stylesheets.

The entire purpose of Sass is to save you time & energy when styling websites and applications.

Why is this a good thing?

I’ve done some experiments and I’ve discovered that you can style websites 150% faster using Sass vs. CSS…

For example, let’s say a custom web design project takes 50 hours to style in CSS (not unusual!)

Sass Tutorial For Beginners : CSS with Superpowers

Expand your CSS knowledge by learning SCSS syntax, nesting, functions, and more in this course!»


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