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Learn mostly used queries in the industry step by step

SQL queries are the backbone of any data analytics project. SQL queries are used to fetch data from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which stands for Structured Query Language.

There are 4 modes of SQL Queries

1- DDL – It is Data Definition Language and is used to define the structures like schema, database, tables, constraints etc. Examples of DDL are create and alter statements.

2- DML – It is Data Manipulation Language used to manipulate data. Examples of DML are insert, update and delete statements.

3- DCL – It is Data Control Language that is used to grant or revoke permissions.

4- DQL – It is Data Query Language that is used to fetch the data from database using Select statement.

The ultimate focus of this course is to learn DQL – Data Query Language. You will learn the following topics.

– SQL Installation and Attaching adventureworks database

– SQL Select statement

– Selected columns in sql

– Where clause in SQL

– IN operator in SQL

– NULL and Not NULL in SQL

– Order by in SQL

– TOP in SQL

– SQL Distinct function

– Rename columns in SQL

– Lower, Upper, Trim, LTRIM, RTRIM function in SQL

– Substring function in SQL

– Replace function in SQL

– SQL Charindex


– Coalesce in SQL

– Group functions (sum, min, max, count, avg) & Group by in SQL


– Having clause in SQL

– Subqueries in SQL

– Subqueries using IN operator

– Another variation of SQL Subquery

– Case statement and pivoting in SQL

– Joins in SQL

– Temp tables in SQL Server with non clustered index

– How to create global temp table in SQL

SQL Queries crash course in 90 minutes

Learn mostly used queries in the industry step by step”

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