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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:6 minutos de lectura

Learn React JS from scratch with hands-on practice assignments and projects.

What is this course about?
The Complete React JS Course  – Basics to Advanced
this course is a complete guide for React JS. Here, you will learn all the concepts required for becoming a front-end React JS developer. If you are new to web development or a professional developer who’s creating websites with plain old javascript or jQuery, this is your time to learn React JS and take your web development skills to the next level and impress your recruiter or clients.

React JS is gaining rapid popularity. In a very short time, it has become the most widely accepted web development JavaScript library. This is the right time for you to learn and add React JS to your skillset and excel in your career.

This course is designed in a way that anyone can understand the journey from the basics to advanced concepts of React with simple explanations by the instructor along with hands-on assignments and projects.

In the first part of this course:

  • We cover what is React JS, how it uses JSX, how the compilation is done behind the scenes using babel to browser understandable plain old HTML, CSS, and javascript.

  • After that, we explain ‘components’ which are the basic building blocks of a web page while working with React JS. We also cover the stateless and stateful components and when to use those components as well.

In the next section, we learn how to create modules in React JS and how to import or export those modules to other files so that we can reuse the same set of code.

In the following section, we will work on how do we style the components using CSS modules and how to create a nice user-friendly mobile responsive website.

We also cover how to work with props, how to pass data from stateful to stateless components, and how to pass functions from one component to another component.

We explain the different lifecycle methods of a React Component and how we can access and modify the data between these lifecycles using the various lifecycle methods available to us.

We will keep on adding more videos to the course as we are creating them. These videos will be available to you soon.

Who’s teaching you in this course?

I am a Computer Science graduate highly rated instructor with a rating of 4.3 and more than 200k students on Udemy, I have been part of the corporate circle since his college days. In my early days, I was part of a startup team delivering production grid android apps. Currently, I am a lead developer at EdYoda. I’m responsible for the entire front-end development & integration with the back-end. React, Python, Django is my areas of expertise. I have been delivering corporate training for Android, React, Javascript, Python & Django. I have an eye for detail & that makes me suited for delivering a finished product. I’m a fitness freak & working out is the favorite thing to do in my spare time.

I want everyone to enjoy the learning process and I have shared my knowledge that will be helpful for React developers.

Enroll now! see you in class

Happy Learning!
Team EdYoda


The Complete ReactJs Course – Basics to Advanced (2021)

Learn React JS from scratch with hands-on practice assignments and projects.»

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