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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:6 minutos de lectura

Typing Course – Fast Typing – Keyboard Typing – Speed Typing – Typing Speed – Type Fast

The Complete Typing Masterclass: Touch Typing Training: Typing Course – Fast TypingKeyboard Typing Speed Typing Typing Speed Type Fast

Are you looking for some ways to build and keep your speed and accuracy while typing? If yes this course is for you.  Are you looking to increase your productivity with a professional secret called rhythm in touch typing?

Touch typing is not looking at the keyboard but typing fast and accurately. Is it possible? the answer is Yesss!

It’s Jan Ektheyari. I helped students in person and online for many years to build the professional touch typing habit and keep their speed and accuracy over time. Nice to meet you! 🙂

We will learn the basics, essentials, secrets to move up your speed and accuracy, and free software that can change your skill to a higher level. Plus you will get full support and practices.

This is the most complete course to learn and master touch typing and bottom line, it works.

By taking The Complete Typing Masterclass you will be able to:

  • Type faster more than 90 wpm

  • Learn the secrets behind the good speed and accuracy

  • Understand where the keys are starting from 1qaz

  • Understand where to place your hands… without looking for example fj is the starting point

  • Build up speed with accuracy over professional steps

  • Type numbers without looking in the numeric pad

  • Learn keyboard rows with me

  • Discover the fundamentals of Touch Typing

  • Be familiar with the Typist Cycles

  • Software that will help you become even great and practice anywhere any time

  • Lifetime access to course updates

  • Fast & friendly support in the Q&A section

  • Udemy certificate of completion ready for download!

So don’t hesitate anymore,

Join us now to make new experiences with touch-typing!

This Touch Typing course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: typing – touch typing – typing course – keyboard typing – fast typing – touch typing training – typing training – typing speed – speed typing – type fast. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: Microsoft Office – Office Productivity – Transcription – Windows 10


The Complete Typing Masterclass: Touch Typing Training

Typing Course – Fast Typing – Keyboard Typing – Speed Typing – Typing Speed – Type Fast»

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