
This Adobe Photoshop Course you will learn 28 Tricks and Tips

-Learn  Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks that will make you professional

This course provides you with a fresh look into Photoshop.

We will go through multiple functions demonstrating what you can do with in Photoshop to enhance your developer skills

1-whiten Teeth (convert yellows teeth to white teeth )

2-wavy road    (convert normal road to wavy road)

3-day to night (convert day to night )

4-change colors (change the clothes coolers )

5-reflection (create reflection to any image)

6-replace text (change text to another image)

7-eyedroppper tool (choose any color by using this tool) 

8-custom brush  (custom own brush)

9-text mask

10-water drop ( Create a water drop)

11-lens flare

12-change the brush size (quick way to change the size )



15-greate clouds

16-Guides from shape

17-change the size



20-moving selection

21-moving image

22-paint selection


23-perspective image

24-straighten image

25-greate pattren

26-copying effects

27-remove default text

28-sliced text

in this course I will walk you through some basic and advanced Photoshop skills.
These 28 easy Photoshop tips will be a great start to learning to process your proyects.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Really useful tips and tricks to help keep you current

  • Work-arounds for working with CC designers and developers

Who this course is for:

  • This course is great for students who are new to, or beginners in, Photoshop.

  • People with an interest for photoshop

  • People with an interest in pro photoshop Knowledge

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use Photoshop quicker

  • Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I’ll see you in lesson

28 trucos y consejos – Adobe Photoshop CC

This Adobe Photoshop Course you will learn 28 Tricks and Tips”

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