
For Data Analysis and Data Visualization

Welcome to this course on R programming, where you will learn to write code in R by implementing various concepts. As you might already be aware that R is not like general purpose programming languages, but optimized specifically to do complex mathematical tasks, finding insights from huge dataset and plotting the insights in form of Visualization charts. These capabilities make R, the most widely used language when it comes to Data Science, Data Analysis and Business Intelligence.

This course would teach you everything in R programming right from the scratch, so don’t worry if you an absolute beginner. Moreover, if you have already used python or R previously, this course would take your skillset to the professional levels.

Why learn R?

It helps Data Analysts and Data Scientists perform many data-related tasks, such as data storage and data analysis, and can be used to create customized dashboards and data visualizations. R is a high level language that has easier syntax as compared to other programming languages such as C, C++, Java, python, dot net. If you are skilled in R programming, it will add a significant value on your Resume and could help you get an aspirational career opportunity.

Here in this course you would learn various concepts in R with practical examples such as-

  • Fundamentals of R

  • Datatypes and Variables

  • String functions

  • Boolean

  • Operators in R- Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Miscellaneous

  • Control statements- if else, switch case, if else ladder and nested if

  • Loop- for, while, repeat, break, next, nested

  • Creating functions, parameters and arguments

  • Data Structures in R

  • Vector and List

  • Arrays and Matrix

  • Data Visualization in R- Plot

  • Line, Bar, Scatterplot, Pie charts, histogram

  • Statistics in R with mtcars

  • Statistical functions- max, min, mean, median, mode

Aprenda a programar en R desde cero

For Data Analysis and Data Visualization”

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Cursos de pago
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  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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