
Get started with VUE V3 by creating a tiny app

So you want to finally start with VUE JS ? this is the course for you.

We will create a tiny VUE application so you can get started and realize that creating web apps its super easy with VUE.

The app calls “Decider”, the user can ask a question and at the end we will randomly pick an answer from a list, this is like the magic 8 ball app.

On this one we will practice validation, toasts, data with methods, we will use events to pass data between components.

And at the very end we will build the app and deploy it to a hosting site like Surge.

You don’t need to know Vue JS, the idea is to get started right here so then later you can keep expanding what you know.

What about the instructor experience ?

I’ve been around for 13 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.

Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications with React , Angular and Vue.

How about the target audience?

  • This course is for everyone, no coding experience required.

  • If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you.

Crea una pequeña aplicación web con VUE 3

Get started with VUE V3 by creating a tiny app”


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  • Certificado de finalización
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