
Creating a cPanel & WHM instance using Microsoft Azure

You want to be in charge of your own web hosting server or just have complete control of your own website, right? Well, if you don’t want to go through a web hosting company, you are going to have to create your very own server. Using Microsoft Azure and cPanel together will allow you to affordably and easily set up a virtual machine and have full control of your web hosting experience.

It can be intimidating to try and sign up for a new service you are unfamiliar with it. Microsoft Azure is one of several hyperscaler options that can be used with cPanel & WHM. For many users, the primary goal is to simply create a basic, publicly accessible virtual machine that runs the cPanel & WHM web hosting control panel software. In this course, we’ll walk you through this process, as well as how to sign up for Google Cloud and a free trial license of cPanel.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Why you may choose Azure over your other options and what kind of services you are recommended to use through Microsoft Azure to host your web servers.   

  • How to quickly set up a basic minimal virtual machine with cPanel

  • How to initially set up cPanel on your server

  • How to get support for both Azure and cPanel

  • Where to go for further resources to help with my web hosting experience on cPanel and Azure.

By the end of this course, you will be ready to start hosting your first website on an Azure server using cPanel & WHM. 

Creación de una instancia de cPanel y WHM con Microsoft Azure

Creating a cPanel & WHM instance using Microsoft Azure”

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