
Html Css business template

Hi Guys!


This course is divided in 4 Sections, the content of every video is explained below:

First Section: Header

– Create a Background image with dark opacity with linear gradient.

– Add a Logo image on the top left corner

– Add a menu navbar with 3 Links that go to each sections.

– Create a transition for the menu navbar with cubic Bezier.

– Add a Title and subtitle to the middle of the container

Second Section: Services

– Create a Grid Section with 4 Boxes with images and Titles.

– Display hidden text when you hover on each Service box with the transition property.

Third Section: Testimonials

– Create a Grid Section of 3 Boxes that include text, quote icons, and Images.

– Create a transition of a shadow when you hover on each box.

Fourth Section: Contact

– Create a minimalist Contact section at the bottom with 2 dividers and 3 Info blocks

– Add Info and Social media icons.



__________The template is completely responsive.

All the code is made under the html File including the Css Code.

Not JS used. Only external Icons script__________________________

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Zip file is attached at the end of the course////////////////////

Cree un sitio web comercial en 20 minutos con html y Css

Html Css business template”

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