Write Selenium WebDriver test automation code with Python scripting language, with examples and exercises
In this short crash course you will learn how to write Selenium WebDriver code using the Python programing language. You will learn the core functionalities of Selenium WebDriver and how to apply them to writing automated web browser tests.
Anyone looking to become QA Engineer or QA Automation engineer will benefit greatly from this course. If you are a manual tester and looking to transition to automation, or you are brand new to the field of software testing, you will find this course very beneficial.
Python is one of the most popular languages to write automated web tests, and Selenium WebDriver is the most popular tool for that.
Just like most programing languages writing Selenium scripts and automated tests is a matter of practice. This course will give you plenty of great ideas on how you can continue to practice even after completing the course.
You will setup everything you need to write tests on your machine whether it is a Windows or Mac machine.
You will practice writing tests on a real e-commerce site that you have created for you or you can create your own practice site using WordPress and WooCommerce following my instructions.
At the end of the course you will know what Selenium code looks like, how to write it, how to use it, and what you need to do to practice.
In addition best practices, tips, tricks are mentioned throughout the course.
Curso acelerado de Selenium WebDriver con Python
Write Selenium WebDriver test automation code with Python scripting language, with examples and exercises»
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