• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Learn the Essentials of Looker Studio and Build an eCommerce Dashboard from Scratch in 1 Hour.

Looker Studio Essentials: Learn how to turn raw data into actionable insights and interactive dashboards for laser-focused decision-making.

Connecting to data is a breeze with Google Connectors, Partner Connectors, and Community Connectors. Then, it’s all about controlling and refining your data using checkboxes, input boxes, sliders, and more. Take it to the next level by transforming it with aggregation, calculations, blending, and functions—preparing it for a visual masterpiece.

Craft eye-catching visualizations using built-in charts, add a dash of interactivity to your reports with filters, sliders, and links that make them come alive. Once your work of art is ready, share it with the world or just a select few, via links, public access, or scheduled PDF emails.

Create sleek multi-page dashboards and customize them to match your unique vision. Play around with Looker Studio’s advanced features and options for personalized creations that cater to your specific needs. By the end of the course, you’ll be a data-connecting, dashboard-building, and insight-sharing machine.

Supercharge your skills in just 60 to 90 minutes. Then, gear up for our upcoming Looker Studio Masterclass, where we’ll dig even deeper into the world of Looker Studio. Your path to dashboard mastery starts now.

Ready to make your mark? Join Looker Studio Essentials and dive headfirst into the exhilarating realm of Looker Studio. Let’s get this party started!

Chapter 1: Looker Studio Essentials

In the first chapter of Looker Studio Essentials, we will quickly cover the basics of Looker Studio and get familiar with the user interface and then we’ll see a high-level overview of most key features of Looker Studio through building a simple eCommerce dashboard from scratch.

Chapter 2: Chart Types Overview

In this 2nd chapter of Looker Studio Masterclass, we will learn Looker Studio’s chart toolbox to explore their key features, and find out when it’s best to use each chart in different scenarios.

Curso básico para principiantes de Looker Studio/Google Data Studio

Learn the Essentials of Looker Studio and Build an eCommerce Dashboard from Scratch in 1 Hour.»


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