
Hooks, React-router, Styled-Components, Git hub

ReactJS is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components specifically for single page applications. Design simple views for each state in the application, and ReactJS will efficiently update and render just the right components when the data changes. We have kept the learning curve fairly simple and to anyone with the knowledge of JavaScript and HTML can quickly pick up ReactJS with the help of this course. In this course, you will learn to setup development environment of ReactJS and also learn about JSX. Creating class and functional component in ReactJS, components lifecycle methods in ReactJS, passing data using props in ReactJS, exploring ReactJS fragments, understand working of keys and list in ReactJS, usage of hooks in ReactJS components and rules how to follow with Hooks in ReactJS and managing state in ReactJS components understanding state&setState in ReactJS, knowing difference between state and props in ReactJS. Creating higher order components in ReactJS and creating custom hooks in ReactJS. Handling user inputs in ReactJS and making GET and POST requests in ReactJS. Different ways to style components and conditional rendering the components in ReactJS. Using react-router for routing. Creating reusable components in ReactJS.

Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web usando ReactJS

Hooks, React-router, Styled-Components, Git hub”

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