
Lets learn about business ethics and its implications


  • It refers to application of ethics in business.

  • It refers to a system of moral values , sense of right & wrong, goodness or badness in our actions their motives and consequences.

  • This course revolves around business ethics & its implications  This subject also talks about moral values and good corporate governance.

  • Companies are supposed to maintain high standards and adhere to certain common business practices. It is good for their business & overall reputation in the market

  • In this session , I have tried to complete scope, theories & implications of business ethics which is necessary for conducting business activities in a efficient manner.

  • This concept also covers CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and society as a whole.

This course is specifically designed for students of management/commerce and anyone who want to know about ethical aspects of running a business/employment/profession.

It is advisable to have a basic level knowledge of business and management studies.

However, general students who wants to know overview of Business ethics may also find this course useful.

Who this course is for:

  • anyone who have interest to learn about business ethics

  • anyone who desires to get acquainted with the ethical aspects of moral values or any person engaged in following activities:-

Marketing & Sales

Public relations


Consumer interest protection

Business meeting

Distribution of national wealth

Labor & Social Welfare

Self Business or employment or profession


Ética empresarial: una descripción general

Lets learn about business ethics and its implications”

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