
Learn Forex Trading Fast. How The Forex Market Works And Successfully Place Your First Forex Trade in 2 Hours!

Foreign currency trading or Forex (FX) is a great way to diversify your portfolio in the largest trading market in the world. However, there are some unique aspects of Forex so important to fully understand the fundamentals of how the Forex market works and how to trade in it. This course will help you to become a Forex trader, how to use free demo accounts to practice with, then later how to choose a Forex broker and analyzing major, minor, and exotic currency pairs using simple to understand fundamental and technical analysis.

Please click the button to enroll and in about 2 hours of learning you will be ready to trade Forex!

For many Forex seems challenging but this course will give you the foundation so you can practice trading live for free and later start placing Forex trades with real money.

You will learn all about:

  • Forex Pricing & Pips​

  • Forex Benefits For Traders​

  • Paper Trading & Demo Accounts​

  • Forex Brokers​

  • Leverage​

  • Margin​

  • Margin Call​

  • Forex Spreads​

  • Forex Lots​

  • Fundamental Analysis​

  • Using The Economic News Calendar​

  • Technical Analysis

  • Moving Averages​

  • Relative Strength Index (RSI)

  • Forex Trading Steps​

  • Orders Market, Take Profit, Stop-Loss​

  • Forex Trading Costs To Be Aware Of

  • Trading Example​ Step X Step

  • Trading Strategy

  • Top 4 Action Steps Plus A Bonus Step

  • And Much More

Thanks for your interest in the course and all you need to do now is click the button to enroll and get stated.

Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you in your first lesson!

Steve Ballinger

Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular Cryptocurrency as only you know what is right for your portfolio and your comfort with risk and volatility. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.

Forex: Comercio: Aprenda el curso de fundamentos de Forex

Learn Forex Trading Fast. How The Forex Market Works And Successfully Place Your First Forex Trade in 2 Hours!”

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