
To teach students basic concepts and principles of engineering physics, relate them to laboratory experiments and

Course Objectives:
To teach students basic concepts and principles of physics, relate them to laboratory experiments and their applications.

Prerequisite Courses, if any:
Fundamentals of: optics, interference, diffraction polarization, wave-particle duality, semiconductors and magnetism.

Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the learner will be able to–
CO1: Develop an understanding of interference, diffraction, and polarization; connect it to few engineering applications.
CO2: Learn the basics of lasers and optical fibers and their use in some applications.
CO3: Understand concepts and principles in quantum mechanics. Relate them to some applications.
CO4: Understand the theory of semiconductors and their applications in some semiconductor devices.
CO5: Summarize the basics of magnetism and superconductivity. Explore a few of their technological applications.
CO6: Comprehend use of concepts of physics for Non-Destructive Testing. Learn some properties of nanomaterials and their application.

Unit I Wave Optics


  • Introduction to electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic spectrum

  • Interference in a thin film of uniform thickness (with derivation)

  • Interference in thin-film wedge shape (qualitative)

  • Applications of interference: testing optical flatness, anti-reflection coating Diffraction

  • Diffraction of light

  • Diffraction at a single slit, conditions for principal maxima and minima, the diffraction pattern

  • A diffraction grating, conditions for principal maxima and minima starting from resultant amplitude equations, diffraction pattern.

  • Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution, resolving power of telescope and grating

  • Polarization

  • Polarization of light, Malus law

  • Double refraction, Huygen’s theory of double refraction

  • Applications of polarization: LCD

Unit II Laser and Optic Fibre Laser

  • Basics of laser and its mechanism, characteristics of laser

  • Semiconductor laser: Single Hetro-junction laser

  • Gas laser: CO2 laser

  • Applications of lasers: Holography, IT, industrial, medical, Optic Fiber

  • Introduction, parameters: Acceptance Angle, Acceptance Cone, Numerical Aperture

  • Types of optical fiber- step index and graded index

  • Attenuation and reasons for losses in optic fibers (qualitative)

  • Communication system: basic building blocks

  • Advantages of optical fiber communication over conventional methods.

Unit III Quantum Mechanics

  • De-Broglie hypothesis

  • Concept of phase velocity and group velocity (qualitative)

  • Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

  • Wave-function and its physical significance

  • Schrodinger’s equations: time-independent and time-dependent

  • Application of Schrodinger’s time-independent wave equation

  • Particle enclosed in infinitely deep potential well (Particle in RigidBox)

  • Particle in Finite potential well (Particle in Non Rigid box) (qualitative)

  • Tunneling effect, Tunneling effect examples (principle only): Alpha Decay,

  • Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Tunnel diode

  • Introduction to quantum computing

Unit IV Semiconductor Physics

  • Free electron theory (Qualitative) solids

  • Opening of bandgap due to internal electron diffraction due to lattice Band theory of solids.

  • The effective mass of electron Density of states

  • Fermi Dirac distribution function

  • The conductivity of conductors and semiconductors

  • Position of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors (with derivations
    based on carrier concentration)

  • Working of PN junction on the basis of the band diagram

  • Expression for barrier potential (derivation)

  • Ideal diode equation

  • Applications of PN junction diode: Solar cell (basic principle with band diagram) IV characteristics and Parameters, ways of improving the efficiency of solar cell

  • Hall effect: Derivation for Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, applications of Hall effect

Unit V Magnetism and Superconductivity Magnetism

  • Magnetism

  • Origin of magnetism

  • Classification of magnetism on the basis of permeability (qualitative)

  • Applications of magnetic devices: transformer cores, magnetic storage, magneto-optical recording.

  • Superconductivity

  • Introduction to superconductivity; Properties of superconductors: zero electrical resistance, critical magnetic field, persistent current, Meissner effect

  • Type I and Type II superconductors

  • Low and high-temperature superconductors (introduction and qualitative)

  • AC/DC Josephson effect; SQUID: basic construction and principle of working; Applications of SQUID

  • Applications of superconductors

Unit VI Non-Destructive Testing and Nanotechnology

  • Non Destructive Testing

  • Classification of Non-destructive testing methods

  • Principles of physics in Non-destructive Testing

  • Advantages of Non-destructive testing methods

  • Acoustic Emission Testing

  • Ultrasonic (thickness measurement, flaw detection)

  • Radiography testing Nanotechnology

  • Introduction to nanotechnology

  • Quantum confinement and surface to volume ratio

  • Properties of nanoparticles: optical, electrical, mechanical

  • Applications of nanoparticles: Medical (targeted drug delivery), electronics, space and defense, automobile.

Ingeniería Física

To teach students basic concepts and principles of engineering physics, relate them to laboratory experiments and”

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