Improve Your Listening and Speaking Skills and Learn the Most Common Phrases
English in different situations is an English conversation course taught by me, Mister Rabiey, a native English speaker. You will learn the target English Phrases and expressions at a deep level, so that you can sound more native-like when you speak English in everyday conversations.
Start to speak with more creativity and variety by upgrading your English conversation ability!
This course includes over 25 units and You will learn and master these phrases and expressions through 4 stages
There are units and sections on different themes including , shopping , Telephoning , business , meetings , hotels , restaurants etc.
YOu will also get the chance to improve your listening and pronunciation as well
This course includes:
lectures explaining all the Phrases and expressions we listen to
pronunciation and speaking practice for every single expression
listening practice for every single expression
future updates – this course will continue to grow and grow
Each Unit focuses on one Topic so that you can master each one and produce them accurately in your spoken English.
This course is extremely detailed, so you can fully master the target English.
If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like, or if you simply want to take your English to a higher level, this course can help you achieve your goal of taking your English to the next level.
This course is also perfect for anyone taking an IELTS test, TOEFL test or TOEIC test.
I’m really excited to be able to help you improve your English today. Join me on this course and upgrade your English today.
Inglés Hablando: Inglés para diferentes situaciones
Improve Your Listening and Speaking Skills and Learn the Most Common Phrases»
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Cursos gratuitos
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Cursos de pago
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- Certificado de finalización
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