A course for next generation of accountants
Artificial Intelligence for Accountants I :
Every leader, manager and finance professional now understand the importance of dealing with disruption.
According to the 2018 EY Global Financial Accounting and Advisory Services (FAAS), corporate reporting survey, close to three-quarters (72%) of finance leaders worldwide believed that AI would have a significant impact on how finance drives data-driven insight. However, businesses that dive into the implementation of AI technologies without understanding the associated challenges face substantial risks.
The question is whether an ordinary accountant does understand what AI is? And why do accountants working in various business domains such as financial reporting, financial analysis, compliance, internal and external audit, finance, investments, etc., even worry about Artificial Intelligence?
This is an introductory level multi-series course on Artificial Intelligence. Which develops basic understanding and explain
– What is intelligence
– What is AI
– Why AI
– A high-level overview of AI application in accounting and finance
– How you can interact with AI
– Types of AI
– Introduction most popular form of AI, i.e. Machine Learning
– Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning
– Introduction to Python-based popular library Scikit Learn
This series aims to develop next-generation accountants that understand the most complicated technology humans have ever invented.
To get maximum benefit, you would have a basic level of Python knowledge. However, you can still go for this course to gain familiarity with AI.
Artificial Intelligence for Accountants I
A course for next generation of accountants»
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