
Learn the basic concepts of data structure in easy way

Data Structure can be defined as the group of data elements which provides an efficient way of storing and organizing data in the computer so that it can be used efficiently. Some examples of Data Structures are arrays, Linked List, Stack, Queue, etc.

This course covers the brief information of all linear Data Structures, Basic concepts of Data Structure and different types of data Structure.

Thais course is useful for the students of Computer science, Engineering and all those who have interest in programming and want to become a software engineer or IT professional.

This course have 7 videos, First two videos are on basic concepts of data structure like it’s definition, meaning , idea of abstract data type along with one example is also given in first video. Second video covers different types of data structures with its examples.

Next five videos gives the brief information of all the linear data structures like array, multidimensional array, stack queue and link list with their applications, advantages and disadvantages.

This course is the basic course, it don’t have any pre requisite because all the basics required to learn the data structures are covered in it. But this course means not the complete data structure, after completing this course students can learn other advanced concepts and can obtain deep knowledge of the subject. Students can implement programs on the concepts by any programming language which they know.

Introducción a las estructuras de datos

Learn the basic concepts of data structure in easy way”

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