La forma más rápida de crear y organizar botones en Adobe Illustrator CC
Still using Adobe Photoshop or another raster graphics editor to create your buttons? Try this faster and more organised way. Using Adobe Illustrator is not that hard as you will find in this course. Get your workflow up to date in one hour!
In the end of this course you will not only be able to create beautiful buttons but also know how to keep them consistent in style. You will know easy ways to organize and export batches of buttons for your app, game or website with tremendous speed. My methods are so streamlined that you do not need an innumerable amount of layers. The only thing you need is the text of your button to create a complete button! Let’s not wait any longer and get started.
My name is Ludwig and I am your tutor. I am a graphic designer for over 25 years and I have worked for top design companies making projects for the Dutch Government, Dutch railways, Educational editors and a lot more. I also worked for Quark. When you are an older designer you will know them from Quark XPress, the industry standard for graphic design in the eighties and nineties. Since the dawn of HTML I have been making web pages and since the last eight years I have been working on video games and game art. I have created thousands of buttons and I found it can be a lot of work to create buttons with a consistent style. That is why I have created a way to streamline this process and would like to share this with you.
1 Hour Button Master
The fastest way to create and organize buttons in Adobe Illustrator CC»
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