• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

MS Excel for everyone! Learn Excel for the first time, Know the basics with projects and challenges. Build spreadsheets!

Are you willing to build your first spreadsheets? You want to build a solid base relationship with the data records and analysis?

If YES, you are in the right place – The rapid formula course! MS Excel is the best spreadsheet program in the world for you to learn at this moment.

Getting started with MS Excel is easy.

You are gladly welcome to the Course That Gives You The Solid Basics of MS Excel in 1hour, Fast Track.

You will learn technical concepts, tables, style, format, conditional formatting, conditional statement, chart, formula, functions, and build Excel apps.

You will build projects in every lesson, and you will have challenges that will teach you, motivate you, and leave you ready to start building some spreadsheets on your own.

This course is for absolute beginners, so you do not need any previous experience because it was designed for you – Beginner. For an experienced, this course has something meaningful that you’ll gain, you will remember concepts that you might have forgotten.

After finishing this course, you will:

1) Know how to write formulas and use functions;

2) Know how to style cells, and apply styles using conditions;

3) Know how to make a chart and join texts;

4) Know how to make tables that update automatically in response to any data change;

5) Fell confident to build small spreadsheets to automate your daily tasks.

Here is in detail what you will learn:

  • Basics functions (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Average, Maximum, Minimum) using formulas and functions.

  • Relative and absolute reference.

  • The functions SUMIF to add values in cells if a condition is met and COUNTIF to count cells if a condition is met.

  • Format cell value types.

  • Convert cells into a table.

  • Conditional formatting.

  • IF function.

  • Concatenation.

  • Line Chart.

  • And challenges.

Why should you take this course?

Should you take this course? Undoubtedly YES!

I wrapped the course with the content that every beginner should know. In just 1hour you’ll end up becoming familiar with MS Excel and feel confident to build some spreadsheets.

Watch the promotional video to have a more overview of the course, including the projects that you will be making during 1hour, You’ll be excited!


After that, I hope to welcome you as a new student in my course. I’m sure you’re gonna love it!

Now, what are you waiting for, enroll now, and take the next step in Excel.

Microsoft Excel – Introducción definitiva a MS Excel

MS Excel for everyone! Learn Excel for the first time, Know the basics with projects and challenges. Build spreadsheets!»

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  • Certificado de finalización
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  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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