• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Learn Complete Steps of house modelling


  • Students should have a good working knowledge of how to use a computer.

  • Previous experience on a Revit program is not essential but will benefit the student.

  • Installed software or Revit. (You can get a trial from Autodesk)

  • Revit is not supported on MAC, you will have to Bootcamp your MAC and install Windows to run Revit.

  • Important Revit files will be provided. (Revit 2017 files)

  • A second screen is recommended to view the videos while using Revit on the other.


This course is for beginners who are wish to learn house designs and who have not a real guide to to it. This course Includes two house modelling videos and one fence modelling video. All videos are ongoing modelling videos and includes all the practical steps of modelling. As all videos are Realtime records, it includes all the problems I faced while modelling.

Through this course you can practice the modelling steps with me and it will help to improve your design memory and conceptual improvement of house planning. The important of this is to, facing the realistic problems and challenges while designing a house and How to overcome those problems and challenges.

In the final parts of the videos, I rendered the models by using Lumion software and Then, You may get big idea about the realistic views of the modelling.

Pasos de diseño completo de Autodesk Revit House

Learn Complete Steps of house modelling»

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