
How to negotiate important legal and commercial clauses in a software license agreement

With growing online presence of business, there is an immense increase in executing software license agreements. Companies license software to automate their business, to regularize payroll, to store and sort customer data, for record retention and to digitize their business.

Software license agreements seem difficult to understand because of various technical and legal jargons. This course will navigate you through various software specific legal clauses and commercial clauses that you should watch out while signing a software license agreement.

Certain important commercial aspects of a software license such as software audits, post license support and maintenance of software, training to use the software are often left unanswered in a software agreement and this gives rise to litigation and conflicts in future. This course teaches you how to ensure your software license agreement is comprehensive enough to avoid disputes.  This course gives a brief overview of what warranties and indemnities both parties to the contract should provide each other.

Breach of contract gives rise to litigation and the breaching party is required to shell out a huge amount in damages. This course will teach you how to limit your liability in case of breach of contract  and what remedial measures you can agree to in case of breach.

Lastly, this course ends with certain tips for negotiating your contract.

¿Qué es un acuerdo de licencia de software?

How to negotiate important legal and commercial clauses in a software license agreement”

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