
In this course, a newsletter form data will be saved into the MySQL database using PHP, PDO and Ajax

In this course, I have shown the subscriber newsletter signup process using php, mysql, ajax and bootstrap 5. There are a lot of beginner students who do not understand how to perform the task of email confirmation. This tutorial will greatly help those. Not only this, after completing this course, a php developer can build something new, for example, he can make a registration system with email verification using the same concept and logic. Also, as I have used the ajax to save information and to send email, that will help a lot of beginner and intermediate programmers to use the code on their projects.

After completing the main development process, I have shown how to upload the complete projects into web server. The server was cpanel based shared server. Using cpanel, I have shown how to upload files, create database and tables, how to create email address and how to use the SMTP information from the server to send emails.

In this course, I have added an export database system as CSV format. So in a real life application, a person can collect all the emails he get from subscribers, export that list and can use in any email marketing campaign or other purposes.

Suscripción al boletín usando PHP, MySQL, Ajax y Bootstrap 5

In this course, a newsletter form data will be saved into the MySQL database using PHP, PDO and Ajax”

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