• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Create your First Pivot Table Project

PIVOT TABLES are the most sought out feature of Excel and is often used at work environment.

In this course you will learn a lot about Pivot Tables.

You’ll get to learn about the below scenarios:

  • Inserting a Pivot table from a simple dataset

  • Inserting Fields and giving a shape to Pivot Table

  • Changing Views and understanding Views for different data

  • Moving Pivot Tables

  • Inserting and Managing Timelines

  • Inserting and Managing Slicers

  • Grouping Data on Excel

  • Filtering Data on Excel

Pivot Tables has been critical for most of the tasks at work. However it had its disadvantages and is often time consuming if the data is complex.

YourExcelGuy is the first and only platform that provides animation videos for excel skills. We have put together more than 100 videos that demonstrate every excel skill you can imagine – whether it’s for absolute beginners or advanced users. Our content includes transformations, graphics, conditional formatting, data tables, pivot tables, dashboards, or VBA macros.

About the Instructor: I’m a Microsoft Certified Excel Expert and a full time Excel coach, I train people on Excel and that’s something I really love doing.

Currently I have trained over 8000+ students in 2022 and have impacted over 15000 students in the year of 2021. With over 3 years of training experience and 11+ years of using Excel every single day I’ve learnt a lot of tricks in excel

Tablas dinámicas de Excel para principiantes | 2022 en Animación

Create your First Pivot Table Project»

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Cursos gratuitos
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Cursos de pago
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  • Certificado de finalización
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Facialix es un sitio web que tiene como objetivo apoyar en el aprendizaje y educación de jóvenes y grandes. Buscando y categorizando recursos educativos gratuitos de internet, de esta manera Facialix ayuda en el constante aprendizaje de todos.


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