• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Go Deeper into your Tarot Skills with Kelliena

In this class Kelliena will teach you the definitions  and Psychic Interpretations  (Based on Kelliena’s  25 years of experience of doing professional Tarot and Psychic Readings)

The suit of Swords can sometimes be a bit stressful but when learning where they are coming from they can help you unlock your intuition on a much higher vibration.  And to help you heal fears so you can be true to your Divine self.

This Session will focus on the following Minor Tarot cards:

  • Ace of Swords

  • Two of Swords

  • Three of Swords

  • Four of Swords

  • Five of Swords.

You will learn how to read the about cards for the following:

  • Romance (Both if your Seeker/client is single or in a relationship) 

  • General Reading

  • Career & Business

  • You will learn how to work with the moon signs to give you a time frame for when energy will move.

  • Kelliena will teach you What zodiac sign to be mindful of when doing a reading.

  • How to analyze the cards

  • How to break down the cards

  • What element the card is in and how to work with it.

  • The Number value of the card.

  • How to ground Psychic Energy

  • How to help you client (or yourself) go further into their psychic power

For more information please be sure to go to Kelliena’s YouTube Channel

Hope this helps.

Much Love and Peace



Tarot psíquico avanzado

Go Deeper into your Tarot Skills with Kelliena»

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