• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Learn the critical fundamentals of video editing with Avid Media Composer.


  • A licensed copy of Avid Media Composer First ( Free to download )


Avid Media Composer is widely used video production software in Film and TV industry.

This training class provides the critical fundamentals of video editing with Avid Media Composer for beginners.

In this course we have covered the basics of editing with Avid where you get a detailed look at the workings of the interface and learn how to do Basic Edits and apply Transitions.

There are some additional videos that I will continue to upload to explain the interface change(s). I estimate it will take a year to two for the industry to slowly adapt to the new interface.

It is recommended that you have a recent version of Avid Media Composer installed before taking this course.

The following modules have been covered in this course:

  • Introduction to Avid and Overview

  • Working with Project Settings

  • Overview of User Interface

  • Working with System Settings

  • Working with Time Line & Monitor Settings

  • Working with Video Imports

  • Learning Media Organisation

  • Learning Timeline Organisation

  • Learning Basic Editing

  • Working with Trimming

  • Working with Keyboard Shortcuts & Customization

  • Working with  transitions

This course is designed to help you get started with Avid Media Composer.

Who this course is for:

  • This training focuses on editing techniques from the ground up. It is intended for those who are new to Avid Media Composer.

  • Intermediate to Advanced users may find some lessons that will enhance their current workflows and save them time.

  • Film Editing Professionals

  • Film-making Students

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to do Non-Linear Video Editing.

Video Editing with Avid Media Composer First for Beginners

Learn the critical fundamentals of video editing with Avid Media Composer.»

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