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Learn and Prepare for PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) Certification Exam

Are you ready to prepare for the (PMI-SP) PMI Scheduling Professional Certification Exam ?

The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers a professional credential for project schedulers, known as the PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP). PMI-SP credential holders can be confident that their professional credential has been developed according to best practices of test development and based upon input from the practitioners who establish those standards.

PMI-SP Exam Domain :-

Domain 1: Schedule Strategy (14% of examination)

Activities related to establishing and documenting schedule approach, policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities, and scheduling objectives and goals.

Domain 2: Schedule Planning and Development (31% of examination)

Activities related to defining and sequencing activities and milestones, developing the work and resource breakdown structures, and establishing the performance measurement baseline (PMB).

Domain 3: Schedule Monitoring and Controlling (35% of examination)

Activities related to monitoring the project schedule progress, performing schedule analyses, and managing change appropriately.

Domain 4: Schedule Closeout (6% of examination)

Activities related to finalizing all schedule activities, evaluating schedule performance against the original baseline, documenting lessons learned, and distributing final schedule information.

Domain 5: Stakeholder Communications Management (14% of examination)

Activities related to developing and fostering relationships with stakeholders, and supporting project schedule-related communication over the course of the project.

This practice test exam (PMI-SP) PMI Scheduling Professional will test your skill and give you full confidence to pass the main official exam.


“PMI” and “PMI-SP®” are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc and this course is not licensed, endorsed, or affiliated with Project Management Institute, Inc in any way.

(PMI-SP) PMI Scheduling Professional Cert Questions Test

Learn and Prepare for PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) Certification Exam”

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