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Master classic leadership qualities and skills of great leaders with highly practical tools and techniques.

In this course, we start by defining what a leader is. We will see that leadership isn’t about having a particular position, title, or personal attributes. Just because you’re an executive doesn’t mean you’re a leader. Further, great leaders are not always born–they are made. If you’re not an effective leader now, you can grow and become an effective leader. You can learn the skills and techniques necessary to have social influence. That is what this course is primarily about–learning to be an effective leader.

We will discuss the following eleven fundamental characteristics of influential leaders: Integrity, Intelligence, Humility, Vision, Discipline, Motivation, Confidence, Accountability, Passion, Courage, and Communication. For each leadership quality, we will see what the quality means for a leader, why it is vital for leadership, and what concrete actions you can take to incorporate or enhance it in your leadership practice. The content is divided into several bite-sized videos. Throughout the course, we will walk through several review questions and reflection questions to better reinforce and imbibe the learned concepts. Sample answers to all the questions are provided on the last page of the included worksheets. Come, join me in the course, learn the techniques, and become an exemplary leader!

Exemplary Leader: Master Outstanding Leadership Qualities

Master classic leadership qualities and skills of great leaders with highly practical tools and techniques.”

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