
An Introduction to Spiritual Awakening

Planet Dharma’s Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat distill a life-changing practice into four core paths for spiritual awakening in this lifetime. Through Action, Meditation, Study, and Integrating the Shadow, each unit explores one of our core pillars and provides exercises that participants can apply at home, work and in relationships. These exercises help us to develop greater awareness of our habitual patterns in body, speech, and mind. Where does our mind go when we do a simple task like wash the dishes? What comes first, a feeling, or a thought about a situation? Can we see an image in two, very different ways? How does our body posture affect our mental patterns? There will also be some short, guided meditations. Participants are invited to answer short questions after each exercise based on their perceptions and experiences. No answers are wrong. This is an invitation to step out of your comfort zone, and explore a little deeper into some of life’s routine patterns that we normally don’t take the time to investigate. We may find that small changes in our routines can lead to improvements in our own well-being, and in those around us. And that, indeed, is what Spiritual Awakening is about. As in everything we offer, Wake Up is founded on our mission of benefitting all beings.

4 formas de transformar tu vida

An Introduction to Spiritual Awakening”

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Cursos de pago
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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