
Learn the basics of running a successful training and awareness program.

Not all training and awareness programs are alike.

Building a robust security awareness program is important, but it can be in vain in your employees don’t buy into what you’re selling and actually change their security behavior.

Go “beyond compliance” to learn about sales and marketing techniques that can take a training and awareness program to the next level: engagement and behavior change.

This course also includes security basics for soft-skilled professionals new to the security field, as well as how to leverage brain chemistry to be more effective.

This learning path is designed for established security practitioners with existing security expertise who are new to the practice of security training and awareness and people with existing marketing and communications experience who are entering the field of security training and awareness.

Any hacker will tell you that the easiest target isn’t a system or a technology; it’s people. In this learning path, you’ll learn how to engage your audience and create “pull” for your training and awareness.

You’ll learn how to assess the security culture of your organization and map out a plan to improve it.

You’ll learn how align your program to your organization’s goals and get executive support.

You’ll learn how people learn, and how they consume media.

You’ll learn how to create marketing personas and how to get the right message to the right person at the right time, increasing the likelihood of behavioral change.

You’ll also learn about: the awareness maturity model, measuring impact and engagement, integrating existing technology with your training and awareness program, and evaluating human risk.

certificado de concienciación sobre seguridad

Learn the basics of running a successful training and awareness program.”

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Los cursos gratis de Udemy te permiten aprender nuevas cosas sin tener que pagar. Aprovecha la oportunidad.


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Debes tener en cuenta que todos los cursos gratuitos de Udemy son de máximo 2 horas y no incluyen un certificado.

Este curso se encuentra disponible de manera gratuita sin necesidad de ningún cupón, a través de la opción “GRATIS”.

Te recomendamos primero leer las diferencias entre un curso gratis y uno de pago para evitar malentendidos:

Cursos gratuitos
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
Cursos de pago
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

Aunque los cursos son colocados de manera gratuita, es posible que el autor del curso pueda cambiarlos a modalidad de pago, por lo cual te recomendamos revisar muy bien las características del curso.

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