
Learn how to take total control of your finances!

This course will teach you the Four Rules which make up the basis of the YNAB Method, a framework for handling money that has helped hundreds of thousands of people take control of their money, pay off debt, and live the life they want. The Four Rules are: 

  • Rule One: Give Every Dollar a Job

  • Rule Two: Embrace Your True Expenses

  • Rule Three: Roll with the Punches

  • Rule Four: Age Your Money

These Four Rules will help you transform your relationship with money. You’ll learn how to prioritize your spending and saving, prepare for unpredictable non-monthly expenses, change your plan when your circumstances or priorities change, and increase the amount of time between earning and spending so you can have more breathing room and space for better decisions.

The Four Rules is the basis for the money management method behind the YNAB budgeting software. Thousands have used this software and this method to transform their money mindset. But you can apply these principles anywhere!

This course also covers other personal finance topics such as:

  • The difference between forecasting future income and budgeting money you have right now.

  • How to determine what is most important to you when it comes to spending and saving money.

  • How to challenge your assumptions about money.

  • How to live with fewer money emergencies.

  • How to remove guilt from your spending and make changes to your plan when your priorities change.

Cuatro reglas para reducir el estrés por el dinero

Learn how to take total control of your finances!”

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