
Improve your decision making with a self built system from Sensing -> Logic -> Human System

I am teaching about Self Programming to enable us to control ourselves according to our will and fulfill happily shared goals.

Self Programming is a combination of programming methods & Self development. Since we work like a system, we may (re)program parts of us & our behavior.

My key to understanding everything was logic. You use it in every moment, whether you want xor not.

Our mind works like a system. Every day humans run their respective paths. Understanding how our system functions gives advantage to fulfill your goal.

By the end of this course you will gain a system to decide correctly for your own will.

1. First we take notice of general sensing. Humans have 5 senses, so mastering them is recommended.

2. Next section covers logical fundamentals – even if you are unfamiliar with these, knowing about them is crucial for life understanding

3. Afterwards we will dive into human as a system – everyone of us is a concatenation of decisions, but with a proper system you gain the advantage of control

This course is for everyone who wants to expand their knowledge about systematical self control.

Try to focus on essential info in order to get maximum out of this course.

See you in the course!

Dominar la autoprogramación

Improve your decision making with a self built system from Sensing -> Logic -> Human System”

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  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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