
Details about project management

Project management is the skill of moving from ideas to results and, as such, is applicable to every significant initiative you are given or come up with yourselves.

And also, project management is a set of techniques that anyone can apply to achieve goals and make projects more successful. Project management can be used to guide small, simple projects as well as complex enterprise-wide initiatives.

Today, individuals, organizations, and nations need project management skills more than ever in a world that values individual and collective initiative above just about any other attribute.

This course will cover about steps in project management, but also offers many helpful reminders to those with more experience, explains the fundamentals of project management, from establishing project goals and objectives and building a project plan to managing resources and work, meeting deadlines, and closing the project.

Along the way, you will get tips for communicating, holding meetings, keeping a project on track, gaining customer acceptance, common-sense solutions to the project management issues you will face as you plan and implement a project, and the tools, and techniques that are intended to help you achieve consistent success using minimum resources.

The final analysis, your success as a project manager is down to you; it will depend on your ability to make your vision of “what can be” more influential in your own and other people’s thinking and actions than the reality of “what currently is.”

Fundamentos de la gestión de proyectos

Details about project management”

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Cursos de pago
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  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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