
Introduction to functionality of MS Excel: User Interface, Cells, Ribbon, Formulas, Charts, Functions, Pivot Tables.

Course will be interesting to anybody who want to acquire essential skills about MS excel. This course will take practical examples to explain basic formulas, functions, pivot charts and many more. This will help in enhancing excel skills and implement in any kind of carrier.

What will student learn in the course:

  • Microsoft Excel Essentials. Introduction to MS Excel.

  • Goals and Functionality of MS Excel

  • User Interface of MS Excel

  • Basic Functions, Cells, Lines and Columns structure

  • Interface of Ribbon

  • Usage of Formulas

  • Overview of Charts

  • Pivot Tables Overview

  • Usage of Functions and Formulas

Course Authors:


Professor of The Retail Banking School Digital Business and Retail Banking Expert


• MBA, The Boston University, USA

• Master of Science at Engineering (Technical) Management, The State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

• Master of Science at Informatics and Economics, The Saint- Petersburg State University of Finance and Economics, Russia

• Six Sigma Black Belt


• Expert at Banking (>15 years), FinTech & Digital (>12 years). Experienced Manager (>10 years) with successful track of records at personal and corporate entrepreneurship.

• More than 10 years at worldwide banking groups such us Societe Generale, Raiffeisenbank.

• Experience at roles: CEO, Head of Business, Chief Digital & Marketing Officer, Head of Digital Transformation and Channels, Head of Products and Marketing.

Nabamita Ray

Senior Manager of The Retail Banking School



• MBA, The ICFAI University, India

• Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Doon University India


• 2 Year of experience as Marketing Expert and Business head.

• 1 Year of experience as Business Development Manager.

Linked topics:

  • Basic Office skills

  • Basic Excel skills

  • Excel Essentials for Business

  • Overview of MS Excel

Fundamentos de Microsoft Excel

Introduction to functionality of MS Excel: User Interface, Cells, Ribbon, Formulas, Charts, Functions, Pivot Tables.”

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