
How to design professional emails without any HTML skills to communicate with your clients more efficiently!

Email is one of the most effective marketing channels to stay in contact with your audience. 333 billion emails were sent in 2022, and the number is growing. Businesses use this channel to engage with customers and increase brand awareness. Email marketing is easy to measure, you can target your messages to a specific audience, and it is affordable.

However, creating a beautiful-looking email is challenging and time-consuming, you might even need to hire a specialist with technical skills. But not with a tool like Stripo. 

We developed this course to teach you:

  • create emails with no technical/coding skills with Stripo;

  • design emails of any complexity effortlessly;

  • export your emails from Stripo to any ESP and email client of your choice.

In this course, you will learn:

  • how to get the most out of Stripo, an email production tool;

  • what elements an email consists of;

  • different ways to design templates;

  • how to test your emails and preview them across different email clients;

  • how to export emails to different marketing platforms, aka ESPs and CRMs;

  • tips and best practices for powerful emails.

Our lecturers:

  • Dmitry Kudrenko — the CEO of Stripo. email;

  • Natalia Ustimenko — an email and direct marketing expert and chief knowledge officer at Yespo;

  • Marina Krivenets — the head of customer support at Stripo.

Enroll in this course now and speed up email production!

Introducción a la producción de correo electrónico

How to design professional emails without any HTML skills to communicate with your clients more efficiently!”

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