
Using SQL Server SSMS and SQL Scripts

This course will teach you all the basic skills required to say ‘I know database’ by starting from installing the required software up to creating and manipulating a database including basic administration tasks.

We’ll download and use the free trial version of Microsoft SQL Server and I’ll teach you exactly how to use it well.

Databases are incredibly important in our modern world, and they remain a mystery to most people. But they’re actually pretty easy to use if you know just a few things…and I’ll teach you those things in this course.

If you are already familiar with SQL then you can skip this course. This course teaches you all the SQL you need to start using it with confidence This course won’t go into advanced level SQL concepts. I strongly believe in short and simple courses that can get you ready in few hours as opposed to days.

However, if you ever get stuck or need something that I don’t cover in this course then feel free to reach out to me or add a comment on the course we will reach out to you at the earliest.

When you get right down to it, using Databases with SQL is pretty easy, and actually a lot of fun.

Join me today and I’ll see you inside!

Introducción a los conceptos de base de datos – SQL Server

Using SQL Server SSMS and SQL Scripts”

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  • Certificado de finalización
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