
Learn T-SQL in MS SQL Server

What Is This Course: Introduction to SQL

An introduction to the Structured Query Language. Although based around T-SQL this course is suitable for other variations of the language.


What’s Included In This Course:

· Practice Examples: Each topic includes easy to follow examples.

· Real World Scenarios: Scenarios taken from real examples

· High Quality Content: Over 3+ hours of high quality videos.

· Support: On hand support to cover everything introduced in the course.


What You Will Learn In This Course:

What are servers, databases and tables and why do we use them.

What is SQL and how can it be used to manipulate data within a database table.

What is a SQL query

How can we create, edit and remove database tables.

What types of SQL queries can we use to interrogate a database table

A look at how we can install a database and associated components in both a Windows PC environment as well as MAC OS environment

The basics of using operators which we can then use to construct more complex queries

The various SQL constraints are introduced and we look at how and why these are used and how we can use them within our queries to ensure data integrity.

The practice questions and scenarios provide a useful way to test what you have learnt in each module and consolidate your knowledge. These increase in difficulty and refer back to previous tutorials so you build on your existing knowledge.



I hope this course is able to provide all you need to begin your experience of SQL.

Michael Da Costa

Introducción a SQL

Learn T-SQL in MS SQL Server”

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