
Easily learn Japanese simple expressions and basic vocabulary thanks to illustrations

This is an express course for beginners who want to want to discover Japanese language.  In this course, you will learn 46 simple and short expressions that contain each hiragana, the first alphabet, and 46 widely used basic vocabulary that contain each katakana, the second alphabet.

Thanks to numerous illustrations, a recorded soundtrack with the voice of a native Japanese teacher and English subtitles, you will easily and quickly learn 46 simple expressions and easy to memorise 46 basic vocabulary that will allow you to start your first conversation in Japanese right away.

You will learn how to say: Thank you.  I’m going to eat.  I am happy.  What’s that?  It’s delicious.  Hello.  Fire!  Come, please.  Give me that, please.  No, thank you.  Hello.  Goodbye.  Quiet!  I love you.  Master!  I see.  Let’s eat!  It’s not that.  I’m tired.  The weather is fine.  Not at all.  What is it?  Save yourself!  It’s lukewarm.  I go to bed.  Let’s drink!  Nice to meet you.  Give me one, please.  Give me two, please.  That’s weird.  It’s true.  Not yet.  Look at this!  I can’t.  This is annoying.  More, please.  Stop, please.  Slowly!  I’m reassured.  It’s easy.  Give me an apple, please.  He’s not here.  I’ll make contact.  It is six o’clock.  I understand.  Tea, please. Yes.

Also, you will learn 46 words of foreign origin which are widely used in Japanese and easy to memorise.

There are also additional lessons that will introduce you to the Japanese writing system and the geography of Japan.  In the lesson of Geography, many beautiful pictures taken in spectacular places in Japan are presented.

Japonés para principiantes

Easily learn Japanese simple expressions and basic vocabulary thanks to illustrations”

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