
Licensing, Certification, Equipments, Safety, Make a Plan, Start-up Costs, Marketing, Location: Home or Office and more.

Through therapeutic touch, relaxing music and calming essential oils, massage therapists offer people relief from tense muscles, stress and other challenges of the modern world. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the massage therapy industry will increase by 24 percent between 2022 and 2027. With more than 80 different types of massage, there’s definitely a niche for you to begin your home-based massage business.

In my newest course you will find all the step by step to develop your home-based massage business.

We’ll talk about equipment, skills, certifications, how to set up your space, pricing, marketing, business and entrepreneurship terms and much more! With simple and objective classes you will find topics such as:

Business Registration ans Insurence.

Location: Home or Office?

Licensing and Certification.

Equipments and Safety.

Make a Plan, How Do I Start and Start-up Costs.

Financial Goals and Cancellation Policy.

Customer Service, hygiene, self-care tips and take care of your body.

Marketing, social media and website.

Write a Business Plan and search for funding.

Business important terms.

Entrepreneurship Strategies You Can Use in Any Business.

Important note: This course will not teach you how to massage or any other therapy used in this field!


Names, data and statistics are based on North American market information. However, they can serve as a basis if you work in another country.

Don’t waste time, start right now and realize your dream of undertaking this wonderful profession. Access all classes right now!

Masajes para empresas privadas

Licensing, Certification, Equipments, Safety, Make a Plan, Start-up Costs, Marketing, Location: Home or Office and more.”

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Cursos de pago
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  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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